Release Notes - IoT Creators - Version 1.0.39 - Released 28.08.2022
* [IC-5450] - Shows memberId instead of names in forum and “undefined” on web page
* [IC-5451] - “Create account” button active even if password is not fulfilling the minimum requirements
* [IC-5471] - Closed projects are shown longer than 60 days - corrected text
* [IC-5412] - [Account activation] Add waiting time before “re-sending” the account activation email
* [IC-5425, IC-5429, IC-5430] - [ORDER FLOW] Design & content changes, improved sequence of the screens
* [IC-5439] - improved IMEI validation for device registration
* [IC-5444] - preparation for upcoming feature of uplink message store
* [IC-5452] - Replace bearer type logos (NB-IoT/LTE-M) in project and show the selected “data delivery” model instead
* [IC-5454] - Implementation of FOTA upload GUI in our portal for paid plans
* [IC-5472] - Send email verification when user changes email to new email