Hi all,
I am new here. I need some help. This is the first time I work with Quectel BG96 module with Starterkit of NB-IoT on a Arduino UNO to send GPS position to the Server IP address = I tried to use QNavigator to make a test, but it cannot read the sim card and it says “Sim card is not ready”. So, my questions are: Does this sim card has a PIN code locked or are there some ports which are not open yet?
Or do I better to switch back to Arduino IDE to work with AT command?
I also have a GY-NEO6MV2 GPS MODULE.
Also, I don’t understand the whole guide book of “BG96 AT Commands Manual” and “BG96 GNSS
AT Commands Manual”. How do I get the latitude and longitude through the antenna of the GPS on BG96 board?? Because my main goal is only get latitude and longitude send tot the server.
Could someone help me out? Help