Inserting PIN
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am working with your library for NB-IoT. If I understand it right, the library should connect the module (I am using Quectel BC95-G) to the Cloud of Things but I haven’t found a way to include PIN for the SIM card and the communication always stops on that problem. The recorded communication:
Boot: Unsigned
Security B… Verified
Protocol A… Verified
Apps A… Verified
Is there anything I am forgetting to implement which will do it or am I missing some part of the library?
Thank you for your replay and have a nice day.
what kind of SIM are you using? I’m asking because our m2m/IoT SIMs usually come with PIN disabled. For this reason, PIN handling is not included in our HW-library.
Unfortunately, the module you are using does not support any management of facility locks, other than entering the PIN when the radio is turned. To proceed you should deactivate the PIN on the SIM on a different device.
You can either try a smartphone or a different module which supports the management of facility locks. The required AT-commands for this are:
AT+CLCK=“SC”,2 # Query status of SIM lock
+CLCK: 0 # SIM is unlocked (1 would be locked)
AT+CLCK=“SC”,0,“1234” # Remove SIM lock (for PIN 1234)
Best regards