IoT Easy Connect Start SIM7020E not connecting
Hi I’m using the SIM7020E from Waveshare ( in comabination with the IoT Easy Connect Start. I have been using the following AT commands to get a connection with IoT Creators:
12:35:44.962 -> AT+CFUN=0
12:35:45.380 -> +CPIN: NOT READY
12:35:45.525 ->
12:35:45.525 -> OK
12:35:51.435 -> AT+CREG=2
12:35:51.528 -> OK
12:35:58.200 -> AT*MCGDEFCONT=“IP”,“”
12:35:58.530 -> OK
12:36:05.358 -> AT+CFUN=1
12:36:05.733 -> OK
12:36:05.874 ->
12:36:05.921 -> +CPIN: READY
12:36:06.012 ->
12:36:06.060 -> +CREG: 2
12:36:15.751 -> AT+CBAND=8
12:36:15.891 ->
12:36:15.891 -> OK
12:36:23.979 -> AT+COPS=1,2,“20416”
*MRPM: PDN CONNECT BLOCK,2,770 <–No idea what this means, the last number is in
seconds counting from 900 (15 min)
12:37:03.468 ->
12:37:03.468 -> +CREG: 3
12:37:03.560 ->
12:37:03.560 -> ERRORWhile looking for the problem I used AT+CMEE=2 to see the error message and got the following:
13:16:18.184 -> at+cops=1,2,“20416”
13:16:18.369 -> +CREG: 2
13:16:19.260 -> *MRPM: PDN CONNECT BLOCK,2,210
13:16:19.495 ->
13:16:19.542 -> +CREG: 0
13:16:19.590 ->
13:16:19.638 -> +CME ERROR: no network service13:19:42.645 -> at+cpol=?
13:19:42.741 -> +CME ERROR: SIM File not presentThinking the last error must mean the problem lies with the SIM cards, I put a 4G SIM I had in the SIM7020E wich didn’t gave that error message.
Does someone know the problem or did someone get the same errors as I and found the solution?
Hello @Kevin-van-Bakel-0
I wonder if for some reason the connection was denied? Below line would indicate that:
12:37:03.468 -> +CREG: 3
// 3 means ‘registration denied’Not sure, but below line looks like some ‘temporarily’ block for 15 minutes? With 210 seconds left?
13:16:19.260 -> *MRPM: PDN CONNECT BLOCK,2,210
Have you tried to issue a
to see which networks actually are available for use with NB-IoT? (Note: can take some time to return the list of operators.)Thanks
Felix -
@fm I have looked at the connection to T-Mobile Netherlands and it does seem to find it.
09:06:42.148 -> AT+COPS=?
09:06:54.566 -> +COPS: (1,“T-Mobile NL”,“TMO N”,“20416”,9),(0-4),(0-2)But as soon if I try to make the connetion it fails.
09:09:31.084 -> AT+COPS=1,2,“20416”
09:09:32.174 ->
09:09:32.174 -> +CREG: 0
09:09:32.174 ->
09:09:32.174 -> +CME ERROR: no network service -
Hello Kevin,
I think the solution is the SIM card that you have (IoT Easy Connect Start), which is not a SIM card enabled for our “” APN. Therefore, you would not be able to connect to our platform with this SIM card, but will have to get a SIM card through
It looks like you haven’t ordered a SIM card with your Starter plan, correct?
In that case, I can send you one, just submit your preferred shipping address to -
@io Hi I ordered IoT Easy Connect Start with the understanding this can be used for experimenting with the T-Mobile NB-IoT network. I have no problem with ordering new SIM cards but are these with a price or are they like the Easy Connect Start SIM’s, as in are they free?
@Kevin-van-Bakel-0 you can absolutely still experiment with the T-Mobile NB-IoT network with those SIM cards, but they are part of a different service and are not usable in conjunction with IoT Creators. We have our own SIM cards with a specific profile that allows us to authenticate the SIMs and manage connections. IoT Easy Connect Start is pure connectivity and does not offer access to IoT Creators’ data-as-a-service, so you can still connect to the internet with the card via the APN “” (specification), but if you want to try out IoT Creators’ platform, then you will have to get a SIM from us.
If you are still interested in using IoT Creators and not a public APN for pure connectivity, just get in touch with us and we’ll get you a SIM for your Starter plan. We offer the Starter plan with one SIM for free when you register, so you can test everything and if you have already created an account with it, but skipped the SIM ordering, because you thought that your IoT Easy Connect Start SIM would work for it, then we can easily manually send a SIM to your preferred address for use with IoT Creators. I just need a short ping from your end what you would like to do and you address.